Care free Mercedes motoring.
Does the option to fix your servicing costs for three years appeal? With MB-Service, you can ensure your costs stay the same, inflation-free for up to 36 months Risk-free MB Service (not Plus) covers all servicing recommended by Mercedes-Benz plus all mileage / time related service supplements, including labour costs, essential lubricants and genuine parts. Also included in the comprehensive package is our exclusive MB-Roadside (offering breakdown, recovery and relay services) and MOT Test fee.
Every single MB-Service contract is individually tailored to your circumstances, taking into account the age and model of your
vehicle, the current mileage and your likely usage over the period of the contract. To illustrate just how much you can save, please see the two examples opposite.
Then contact us on 0115 970 6600, to develop a personalised quote, just for you.
*MB-Service Includes: All servicing recommended by Mercedes-Benz plus all mileage/time related service supplements.
MB-Roadside 24/7 Assist: 12, 24 & 36 months Nationwide breakdown, Homestart & Relay. MOT Test fee & any repairs
necessary, claim limit £500 inclusive. †Terms & conditions apply, full details available in branch or on line.
www.mbnottingham.co.uk. If your model is not listed please call our service department for an instant quote.
100% Mercedes-Benz
50% of the price*